Perception Differences in Using Brand Mascots on Products and Services between Thai and Japanese Consumers

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Tiwa Park
Yu- Chin Wen
Ekkasit Khemnguad
Pard Teekasap


International companies use brand mascots as a part of their marketing strategies to attract customers and build brand loyalty, therefore understanding the effectiveness of marketing these mascots as well as theirs effects on consumers depending on individual differences would be important knowledge. This research aims to investigate if there are personal and demographic differences in perceiving mascots, specifically gender, age, nationality (Thai and Japanese), and
other relevant factors. The researchers hypothesized that females are more likely to remember mascots and product/services than males, participants below 18 years old are more likely to remember mascots than older participants, and Japanese participants are more likely to remember product/services than Thais but Thai participants will be more likely to buy product/service after knowing mascots compared to Japanese participants. The results show a lack of age differences, some minor gender differences with similarities between Thai and Japanese females towards mascots, and strong national differences in perceiving mascots, while another strong factor for
remembering mascots is passion for cartoons. In addition, factors that have encouraged both Thai and Japanese to remember brand mascots for buying items are the cuteness of mascots, seeing the advertisement often on media channels as well as the attractiveness of brand mascot which was colorful than others. The findings also indicate that there is a significance relating to the effect of advertising media of brand mascots on consumer perception.

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How to Cite
Park, T., Chin Wen, Y.-., Khemnguad, E., & Teekasap, P. (2019). Perception Differences in Using Brand Mascots on Products and Services between Thai and Japanese Consumers. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 37(3), 1–14. retrieved from
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