The Impacts of Indonesia’s Automotive Production Policy on Automotive Industry and Economy of Thailand

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Aat Pisanwanich


This study aims to explore potential impacts on Thailand’s automotive and parts industry and overall economy if Indonesia could produce cars as targeted in its national automotive policy. To study the impacts of such policy, statistical tools and the views of entrepreneurs in the automotive and parts industry having trade and investment with Indonesia are taken into account. The study has 2 parts: the first part is the quantitative study which evaluates benefits and impacts on the automotive and parts industry of Thailand as well as to the overall economy of the country. The tools used for this evaluation are the Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO) of the OECD, the Input-Output (IO) of the Office of National Economic and Social Development Board of Thailand, and the ASEAN macroeconomic forecasting model, which is developed by the Center for International Trade Studies of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. The second part of the study is the qualitative analysis focusing on relevant entrepreneurs’ opinions on benefits, impacts, opportunities and challenges from the automotive production policy of Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Pisanwanich, A. (2019). The Impacts of Indonesia’s Automotive Production Policy on Automotive Industry and Economy of Thailand. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 37(4), 129–145. retrieved from
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