Monitoring to Evaluate Operations: A Case Study at the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC)

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Atiporn Gerdruang


This academic research aims to propose a concept of monitoring to evaluate operations: a case study at the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). Significant emphasis is placed on implementing the monitoring concept as a tool to drive performance at NBTC, particularly in relation to parts of the budget usage, enhancing understanding in performance, channels for enlightening people, document preparation for publicizing, and people participation. Monitoring is crucial for an evaluation and success of organizational performance in overseeing the results of the NBTC working process and representing responsibility and transparency of work performance.  This will lead to an effective study on long-term effects, based on conditions for success in analyzing for causes of the issues. A following analysis is expected to achieve a solution or identify the desired situation that will ultimately be defined in a form of objectives for the project/activity. Subsequently and finally, a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) will be created, which will reflect unanimous agreement. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for monitoring will be triggered by a main principle that is anticipating results occurring in line with the objectives, it will have the ability to be investigated, and will be fair. However, NBTC should expeditiously overcome three important and fundamental issues regarding 1) adaptability and flexibility in accordance with the economic and social system, 2) consideration of goal achievement through the mechanism of the political system, and 3) restoration and maintenance of norms and patterns of the citizen sector together with integration of relationships among components. The results collected from effective monitoring will be most important when following up work performance. Moreover, NBTC will be able to adapt the results as a guideline to develop the mechanism for monitoring in an efficient way by taking into consideration 4 components, such as 1) monitoring procedures that provide the exchange of knowledge and a share of resources among NBTC, the government sector and civil society, 2) monitoring strategies that cause dissemination of knowledge occurred directly from beneficiaries or the citizen sector, 3) monitoring to understand the results and situation of sharing opinions and participation in learning by every party, and 4) monitoring factors that affect the pattern of work of NBTC resulting in effectiveness. The significant key for NBTC to understand about monitoring is “the situation of knowledge sharing of all sectors in the society”. 

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How to Cite
Gerdruang, A. (2019). Monitoring to Evaluate Operations: A Case Study at the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC). University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 36(1), 178–195. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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