Mechanism of Human Resource Development to Enhance Competitiveness and the ASEAN Community in Rajabhat University

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Nipapan Jensantikul


This article aims to explain the mechanism of human resource development to enhance the competitiveness and of the ASEAN community by offering some of the reasons and the need to develop human resources and the process of human resource development in Rajabhat University. The process of human resource development in Rajabhat University has 3 stages, namely formulating human resource development policy, implementing human resource development policy and evaluating human resource development policy, In addition, personnel are classified into academic or support staff for the development potential and development approach.

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How to Cite
Jensantikul, N. (2019). Mechanism of Human Resource Development to Enhance Competitiveness and the ASEAN Community in Rajabhat University. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 36(1), 196–208. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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