Logic in Thai Traditional Mathematics

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Jariya Nualnirun


This research aims to examine characteristics of logic in Thai traditional mathematics, to compare them to those in Indian, Arabic and Chinese traditional mathematics and to compare them to Western mathematics at the beginning of nineteenth century.  Theories used in this research are epistemology and ethnomathematics.  The results show that the logic of Thai traditional mathematics is induction since its sources of premises stem from factual experiences.  For logical inference, Thai traditional mathematics have no less than seven rules of calculation, i.e., elementary arithmetic, number crunching formulas, rule of three, arithmetic series, Cha-wang method, extraction of square and cube roots and a constant number for measuring area of a circle. Compared to other eastern mathematics, Thai traditional mathematics has the same logic as that of Indian, Arabic and Chinese mathematics, that is, all of them use inductive logic.   In particular, most Thai computational rules were transmitted from Indian mathematicians; only a few rules were transferred into Thailand by ancient Chinese mathematicians.  Furthermore, compared to Western mathematics, inductive logic used in Thai mathematics is still unable to state its conclusion as a general rule.

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How to Cite
Nualnirun, J. (2019). Logic in Thai Traditional Mathematics. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 36(3), 94–112. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/utccjournalhs/article/view/187798
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