The Guidelines for Enhancing Successfulness in the Operation of a Community Enterprise, Samutsakhon Province

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Pantida Laopuangsak


The purpose of this research was to study factors and guidelines to enhance the success in the operations of a community enterprise in Samutsakhon. The sampling group for the study consisted of the chairmen and deputy chairmen of 100 community enterprises that were selected by multi-level sampling and six key informants. A questionnaire and focus group guidelines were constructed and used as tools to collect data. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis and content analysis. The research revealed that most community enterprises comprised 11 - 20 members, were established 4-6 years ago, and had 3-4 types of products. The chairmen’s houses were used for the group’s location and product distribution. The average revenue was 100,001-200,000 baht/year. The average costs and the profit were less than 100,000 baht/year and 30,000 baht/year respectively. There were no product standards. Factors affecting the success of a community enterprise which were processes, deputy chairmen, group committees, group members, learning and networks were rated at a high level. The level of success regarding finance, marketing, human resources development and the strength of the community was rated at a high level. Factors affecting the success in operations consisted of learning, group members, deputy chairmen, group committees and networks respectively. All factors were able to predict the success in operations for 67.9 %. The guidelines for enhancing operation success were standard process, division of work, market strategy planning, appropriate income and welfare distribution, learning enhancement and building public and private networks.

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How to Cite
Laopuangsak, P. (2014). The Guidelines for Enhancing Successfulness in the Operation of a Community Enterprise, Samutsakhon Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(3), 20–30. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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