The Development of Indicators of Prosocial Behavior by Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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Ujsara Prasertsin
Dulaya Chitayasothorn Chitayasothorn


The objective of this research was to analyze the confirmatory factor analysis of prosocial behavior. The sample comprised 500 university students in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The two-stage sampling technique was applied in the research and data collection was conducted through prosocial behavior questionnaires containing 25 questions. The questions were classified into 5 sub-indicators; each sub-indicator had 5 items. The results of correlation analysis of all 5 factors of  prosocial behavior consisting of 1) Giving, 2) Sharing, 3) Helping, 4) Comforting, and 5) Cooperating indicated that correlation coefficients were ranged from 0.341 to 0.634 at .01  significance   level. The “Giving” and “Comforting” had the lowest correlation coefficients (r=0.341), whereas “Sharing” and “Helping” had the highest correlation coefficients (r=0.634).The confirmatory factor analysis has the completely standardized solution and reliability between 0.650-0.829, and 0.436-0.688 respectively. The maximum completely standardized solution factor is “Sharing” (0.829), “Helping” (0.762), “Comforting” (0.708), “Giving” (0.660) and “Cooperating” (0.650), respectively. The value of model analysis resulted in x2=4.254, df=3, p=0.024, RMSEA=0.029, RMR=0.013, GFI=0.997, AGFI=0.983, Model AIC = 28.254, Saturated AIC = 30.000, Model CAIC = 90.829, Saturated CAIC = 108.219

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How to Cite
Prasertsin, U., & Chitayasothorn, D. C. (2014). The Development of Indicators of Prosocial Behavior by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(3), 42–53. retrieved from
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