Using Interactive Multimedia as a Learning Supplement via Facebook

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Tapanee Treeratanaporn


Nowadays multimedia, one of the electronic media, is very popular around the world.  It includes text with at least one of the following: sound, video, graphics, or animation.  They are standard parts of most computer applications, web-based applications and stand-alone apps. They are very useful in many aspects, such as business, entertainment and education. The favorite channel for multimedia is the Internet. Synchronously, an Internet service that is now the most popular among students is Facebook. We think that if teachers could persuade students to spend their time on Facebook for academic learning, it would help them get better results from their learning. This article proposes a way to introduce interactive educational supplemental multimedia via Facebook after a class of Fundamental of Information Technology. The multimedia consists of 7 lessons. Each lesson takes approximately 6-7 minutes. The researcher posted multimedia after students had finished the lesson. The results derived from observation, a questionnaire and interviews. It was found that most students did not like to download educational media when they used Facebook. They preferred to communicate a short conversation or post some pictures rather than to download educational media and review the lesson. They stated that the education media should be concise and relevant to their needs.  It was concluded that media should be posted on M-Learning or LMS (Learning Management System) rather than on Facebook.

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How to Cite
Treeratanaporn, T. (2014). Using Interactive Multimedia as a Learning Supplement via Facebook. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(4), 35–49. Retrieved from
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