Stress and Coping Strategies in Hotel Industry

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Nalinee Phansaita


This academic article aims to review literature related to 1) the meaning of stress in the hotel industry, concept and theories related to stress in the hotel industry, as well as, level and causes of stress in the hotel industry 2) stress coping strategies used in the hotel industry, and 3) systematically review the related research of stress and coping strategies used in the hotel industry in Thailand. By conducting systematic literature review covering its concepts, theories, and related research. The literature review shows that hotel employees experienced moderate to high level of stress. The main causes of stress are heavy workload and organizational policies related to salary and leave. The effective stress coping strategy for hotel employees is problem-focused strategy, while effective stress coping strategies for organization are having proper workload allocation, maintaining the work environment, offering compensation based on performance, using time management, using communication enhancement, and using participative decision-making, respectively. The lack of research in the context of hotels in Thailand suggested the need for comprehensive empirical knowledge about the effect of stress on hotel employees and organization, including specific guideline for managing the causes of stress. Moreover, knowledge at the group/organizational level is needed because previous studies have focused only at the individual level. In addition, these studies were cross-sectional study design, we proposed that longitudinal study design is used in future research. Future researchers can implement stress management programs and develop appropriate coping strategies as well as measure the change in stress level. As a consequent, the causes and effect of work stress will be demonstrated more clearly, which further help create satisfaction, happiness, and efficiency in the organization.

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How to Cite
Phansaita, N. (2019). Stress and Coping Strategies in Hotel Industry. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(4), 176–185. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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