Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction: Variables Predicting Efficiency in Work Performance

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Yuvadee Siriyasub


The objective of this research was to predict work performance efficiency by the organizational climate and job satisfaction of the employees in the hotel businesses in Bangkok  that had received Thailand Tourism Awards. The group of samples in this study were the employees in  the hotel businesses that had received Thailand Tourism Awards of 1st to 8th place in Bangkok. A  total of 406 questionnaires were used as the data collection method. Statistical analysis,  including frequency, percentage and multiple regression, resulted in an highly significant (p< .01). The results showed that the overall organizational climate and job satisfaction could be  predicted by 62.7 percent, and then, combined with the organizational climate, together they could  predict efficiency by 64 percent. In addition, the findings showed that in all aspects of both, including job satisfaction in work achievement, work conditions, supportive organizational climate, the job satisfaction with co-workers and work security,respectively, could predict efficiency in  work performance.

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How to Cite
Siriyasub, Y. (2019). Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction: Variables Predicting Efficiency in Work Performance. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 35(4), 114–131. Retrieved from
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