The Study and Revision of the Tourist Guide and Tour Leader Training Courses

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Ranee Esichaikul
Rochaporn Chansawang
Chatchapon Songsoonthornwong
Yongyut Kaewudom


The study and revision of the tourist guide and tour leader training courses aimed to develop and revise the training courses for tourist guides and tour leaders in accordance with the Revised Law of Tour Operators and Tourist Guides as well as to satisfy the demand in the labor market, tour operators, and tourists. In this study, the data was collected from 31 key informants in tour operators and tourist guides and 400 stakeholders involved in the training courses selected by purposive sampling. The research tools for the data collection was an interview form and the drafted training courses for tour guides and tour leaders revised by the researcher. The study results showed that: 1) the content of the available training courses was not suitable to keep up with changing situations at the present.  2) The revision of the tourist guide and tour leader training courses was resulted as the 2018 revised training courses including General Tourist Guide Training Course, and the regional tourist guide training courses for four regions: The Northern Region Tourist Guide Training Course, The Northeastern Region Tourist Guide Training Course, The Central Region Tourist Guide Training Course, and The Southern Region Tourist Guide Training Course, and Tour Leader Training Course. In terms of the content structure, both general tourist guide training course and regional tourist guide training courses were consisted of general academic knowledge, regional academic knowledge, professional knowledge and skills, foreign language competency, field studies, and practical training with tour operators. The content of the tour leader training course was composed of general academic knowledge, professional knowledge and skill, foreign language competency, and practical training with tour operators.

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How to Cite
Esichaikul, R. ., Chansawang, R. ., Songsoonthornwong, C., & Kaewudom, Y. . (2020). The Study and Revision of the Tourist Guide and Tour Leader Training Courses. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(2), 1–30. Retrieved from
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