Application of Lanna Local Wisdom to Health Tourism for the Elderly in Mae Soon Sub District, Community Fang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Supang Nunta


The objectives of this research were to investigate and manage Lanna local wisdom for health tourism promotion of the elderly and apply Lanna local wisdom to health tourism for the elderly. This qualitative research utilized in-depth interviews, participant observation, and a community forum to examine secondary data. The sample group was members of the elderly club, local philosophers, community members, volunteers from the sub district administration organization, public health officers, community developers, village health volunteers, officers from the health-promoting hospital, and officers from the National Health Security Office. The purposive sampling method was applied to obtain 60 samples. The research results showed that Mae Soon sub district community, Fang District, Chiang Mai retrieved four aspects of local wisdom, which were hand and foot bathing in herbal water, herbs for treatment, folk games and orthotics. The management of Lanna local wisdom to promote health tourism for the elderly included knowledge construction, knowledge transfer, and the application of knowledge. Lanna local wisdom was applied to health tourism for the elderly in two dimensions including the area of health promotion and treatment

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How to Cite
Nunta, S. . (2020). Application of Lanna Local Wisdom to Health Tourism for the Elderly in Mae Soon Sub District, Community Fang District, Chiang Mai Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(3), 31–49. Retrieved from
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