Purchase Intention Towards Omni-Channel Retail: Buy Online Pickup in Store

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Kedwadee Sombultawee
Warit Rinthong


The purpose of this research is to study purchase intention towards omni-channel
retailing in terms of attitudes and switching channels behavior. There are 417 samples
chosen by purposive sampling. The data were gathered by online questionnaire. This research
uses multiple regression to analyze and test hypothesis. The result showed that there are four
factors affecting omni-channel purchase intention at α = 0.05 which are information search,
attitude toward switching channels behavior, time, and self-efficacy whereas the factors of
subjective norm and money are not significant effect to omni-channel purchase intention at
α = 0.05.These findings suggest that retailing implementing omni-channel strategies should
utilize the data for designing distribution channel effectively, as well as improving its distribution
strategies to suit customers’ needs and these results may help retailing to implement
omni-channel as effective distribution strategies for making competitive advantages.  

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How to Cite
Sombultawee, K., & Warit Rinthong. (2021). Purchase Intention Towards Omni-Channel Retail: Buy Online Pickup in Store. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(1), 89–104. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/utccjournalhs/article/view/242774
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