Monographs on Thai Sexology in Central of Thailand: The Thai Sexology Textbooks

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Aphilak Kasampolkoon


Knowledge of sexual activities or "monographs on Thai sexology" in the past of Thai society is often restricted in the area of ​​storytelling and transmission. While the narrative about sex is hidden in the tradition and rituals, as well as the fine arts of the villagers and the royal family, it is assumed that there is a “monographs on Thai sexology” in Thai culture. It is similar to "Kama Sutra" in Indian culture or "Pillow Side Book" in Chinese culture. This article, therefore, aims to collect “monographs on Thai sexology” in the central region and analyze its knowledge as a "textbook". In this study, the researcher used data from literary texts found in the central region from the original manuscripts, including Khoi manuscripts, palm-leaf manuscripts and old notebooks based on eight titles. The results of the study showed that the presentation of knowledge was focused on four main parts, including posture, direction and auspicious, physiognomy and tonic. As "monographs on Thai sexology" is a "textbook", it is found that the teaching strategies in monographs on Thai sexology have various teaching strategies, including data classification, data explanation, use of advantage and technique tips. As for the technique for creating credibility for textbooks, it is found that there is reference to "the teacher who created the textbooks", citing supernatural powers and using specific codes for use by specific groups. The research results of would boost our understanding of Thai society through monographs on Thai sexology. The study of "Monographs on Thai Sexology" is not only a treasure trove of wisdom from the past, but it is also a knowledge of sexual science that is written extensively, showing the connection of various sciences, ways of thinking, expectations and efforts to create various activities to create "happiness" in interesting ways.

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How to Cite
Kasampolkoon, A. (2020). Monographs on Thai Sexology in Central of Thailand: The Thai Sexology Textbooks. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(4), 169–185. Retrieved from
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