Quality of Life with Workplace Spirituality: The Context of University Personnel in Thailand

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naratip teeratanatorn
Thanawat Bureerat


The influence of surrounding factors leads to adaptation of universities in Thailand to
comply with changes these days. These circumstances unavoidably affect university personnel
which result in more stress and pressure. This article aims to propose the concept of workplace
spirituality. This concept supports university personnel to be aware of the value and the heart and
soul of themselves which boosted by valued and meaningful work. Workplace spirituality can be
conceptualized as a desire to have relationships with others in the organization and being a team
with the same goal. Workplace spirituality is related to quality of life which is important that
an organization must support its personnel to have good quality of life. The guidelines for life quality
development to enhance workplace spirituality of Thai university personnel are divided into four
dimensions. For working dimension, the personnel’s workload should be determined to be suitable
for their manpower, tasks should be assigned according to the capabilities of the personnel, and
the works at all levels should be valued. For social dimension, there should be the development
of relationships between personnel, promoting the channels for personnel to exchange and learn
useful things to support each other, and encouraging personnel to appreciate themselves and
others. The next one is economic dimension which is an important factor that should be
adequately and appropriately promoted to achieve a healthy condition in order to reduce worries
that bothers them in working. The last one is personal dimension which should develop the
management of proper working time, encourage personnel to do activities that build relationships
with their family members, as well as building a bond with the external society to create a balance
in the personal dimension of university personnel in Thailand.

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How to Cite
teeratanatorn, naratip, & Bureerat, T. . (2021). Quality of Life with Workplace Spirituality: The Context of University Personnel in Thailand. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(2), 170–188. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/utccjournalhs/article/view/244732
Academic Article


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