Value Relevance of Fair Value Hierarchy Information and the Impact of Corporate Governance Scores on Stock Price

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nantiya promtong
Worravit Kultangwatana


This research aims to examine the value relevance of fair value hierarchy information and the impact of corporate governance scores on stock price of listed firms on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. In terms of a sample group, the 175 samples of financial sector during 2015 - 2019 were selected, and then analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Research results are as follow: (1) Levels 1 fair value have significantly and positively influenced stock price, Levels 2 fair value have significantly and negatively influenced stock price, and , Levels 3 fair value was not found. As a result, Levels 1 and 2 fair value are more value relevant than Level 3. (2) Corporate governance scores have not an influence on value relevance of fair value hierarchy and stock price.

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How to Cite
promtong, nantiya, & Kultangwatana, W. . (2021). Value Relevance of Fair Value Hierarchy Information and the Impact of Corporate Governance Scores on Stock Price. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(3), 56–72. retrieved from
Research Articles


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