The Key Social Ties of Hotel SME Entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai Province

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Phathranit Kitthitinan


This research is a quantitative research aimed to study the key social ties of hotel SME entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai province and to investigate the relationship between social ties and the size of hotel. The data was collected from 250 hotel SMEs entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai province, with the use of questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Chi-square. The result of research reveals that the hotel entrepreneurs are almost equally female and male, aged mostly between 41-50 years, most of which own the small-sized hotels. They graduated with bachelor degrees in Business Administration and their parents were entrepreneurs. The result of the test of relationship between social ties and the size of hotel using Pearson Chi-square tests reveals that these social ties are partly related.


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How to Cite
Kitthitinan, P. . (2021). The Key Social Ties of Hotel SME Entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(3), 22–36. retrieved from
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