The Study of Procrastination Behavior Effected Performance at Workplace of Municipality Staff

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Napatchanan Nawakitrangsan
Pinkanok Wongpinpetch
Manop Chunin


This research aimed to study the procrastination behavior at work in municipality office
as the components of procrastination behavior created by Chu and Choi (2005). A mixed methods
research was used. A qualitative research was used with a semi-structure and an in-depth
interviewed 12 key persons in municipality office. A quantitative research method was used with
a stratified random sample of 212 municipality staff from municipality office in Nakhon Pathom
province, Nonthaburi province and Rangsit City. The questionnaire asking about the procrastination
behavior with reliability of .904 was used to collect the data. Confirmatory factor analysis used.
The results of this research found that: the components of the procrastination behavior at work of
municipality staff consisted of two factors; passive procrastination behavior and active procrastination
behavior. The model of the procrastination behavior at work of municipality staff was found to
accord with empirical data. Chi-square goodness of fit test value was 52.824 with 42 degrees of
freedom, p = .122, CFI = .996, Tuker-Lewis Index (TLI) = .993, SRMR = .033 and RMSEA = .028. These
factors can be used as a guide for creating and setting all activities to activate the procrastination
behavior in the way that lead to best manner of municipality staff in the workplace in the future.

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How to Cite
Nawakitrangsan, N. ., Wongpinpetch, P. ., & Chunin, M. . (2022). The Study of Procrastination Behavior Effected Performance at Workplace of Municipality Staff. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(1), 150–175. retrieved from
Research Articles


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