The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility to the Brand Image and Brand Loyalty of Green Leaf Hotel Group
Main Article Content
The objectives of this study are to investigate a level of respondents’ opinions on
corporate social responsibility, brand image, and brand loyalty, and examine the relationship
between corporate social responsibility and brand image, the relationship between corporate
social responsibility and brand royalty, and the relationship between brand image and brand
loyalty. By using survey data collected from customers of hotels in the Green Leaf Hotel Group
and analyzing them through the Independent Sample t-test, one-way ANOVA (F-test), Regression
Analysis, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, and Spearman rank, the findings reveal that while
gender, status, and education level have no effect on the respondents’ opinions, age (specifically,
between 26-33 years) and monthly income (specifically, between 25,001-35,000 Baht) do have
effect on individual opinions on corporate social responsibility of the hotels in the Green Leaf Hotel
Group. Lastly, this study finds that corporate social responsibility is positively associated with brand
image and with brand loyalty as well as brand image is positively associated with brand loyalty.
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