Research Strategies for Gotu Kola
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The objective of the research project titled research strategies for gotu kola is to create research strategies and policy recommendations in order to determine directions and goals in promoting and supporting research on gotu kola, which is in line with the National Master Plan on Thai Herb Development No. 1 (2017-2021), the 20-year Agriculture and Cooperative Strategy (2017-2036) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The study uses secondary data related to the context in the development of research on gotu kola and primary data from in-depth interviews and brainstorming from knowledgeable people, experts, researchers, research-related personnel and those in the production sector of herbs from the upstream, midstream, and downstream levels; hence, resulting in sufficient detailed information to be used to formulate strategies based on academic principles. The study found that, there is market for essential substances triterpenoids. Triterpenoids have 4 compounds that associated with different properties, which create consequent demands for various purposes. Problems that need research to help solve are the management of contaminated gotu kola planting plot, high level of essential substances extraction, and the development of downstream products that have properties and styles that are more responsive to the market. The researchers have established research strategies for gotu kola covering the upstream, midstream and downstream levels. Each strategic issue consists of various strategies and guidelines in the form of projects/research in order to grant research funding. Finally, the researchers provided relevant policy recommendations, in order to propel the research strategies in an efficient manner.
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