Social Enterprise Based on Cultural Capital for Sustainable Development

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Kesinee Pratumsuwan
Phiraphath Phansiri


This research article aimed to study 1) Entrepreneurship potential of social enterprises based on cultural capital, 2) knowledge level on social enterprises of producer groups and their partners, and 3) guidelines for enhancing social enterprises to sustainable development goals. The 4 social enterprise projects; working in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Khon kaen and Songkhla, supported by Thai Health Fund were selected as samples. This study incorporated the following tools in data collection process; in-depth interview, focus group discussion, self- assessment, and participatory observation. The major findings showed that cultural capital of all projects was high potential.  Cultural capital was developed for social enterprise operation, integrating human, social, natural and physical capitals. As a whole entrepreneur performance was at a moderate level. The general knowledge on social enterprise of producer groups and their partners was at a moderate level.  Therefore the guidelines for strengthen them in order to be sustainable social enterprises, should focus on mindset and entrepreneurial skills development. Training, consulting and business incubating become necessary.

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How to Cite
Pratumsuwan, K. ., & Phansiri, P. . (2021). Social Enterprise Based on Cultural Capital for Sustainable Development. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(3), 88–101. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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