Marketing Development for Enhancing Hand-Woven Fabric Products of Community Enterprise, Nan Province

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Jittra Punroob
Ekachai Duangjai
Natthawoot Punroob


The purpose of this research was to develop marketing factors for enhancing hand-wovenfabric products of community enterprises in Nan province. The sample groups used in this research consisted of 2 groups. The first group was 400 customers. The second group is 100 members of community enterprises. These mixed methods combined quantitative and qualitative research.The result from SWOT analysis was found that the hand-woven fabric products of community enterprises have a strength for beautiful designs that are unique according to the local wisdom.The weakness is that the product can be easily imitated. The opportunity is the high tourism
potential in Nan province, a special area for tourism. The threat is that the price of raw materials is constantly rising, causing high production costs. The analysis’s result of CFA indicated that the four factors including satisfaction, perceived value, trust, and integrated marketing communication could be interpreting 90.674% of variance. Moreover, the consistency of the model in each component was tested. The analysis’s result of CFA proves that the development model was validated the empirical data due to the comprised indicators. For product development guidelines, community enterprises should do the following: 1) product design and packaging should be developed in modern style and outstanding 2) product price should be set to penetrate the market to stimulate
sales and 3) distribution channels should have multiple channels for customers to easily reach and focus on selling as souvenirs for tourists as well as continual advertising and public relations.

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How to Cite
Punroob, J., Duangjai, E. ., & Punroob, N. (2022). Marketing Development for Enhancing Hand-Woven Fabric Products of Community Enterprise, Nan Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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