The Human Resource Management of Public Sector in the Disruption Era

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Wachirawachr Ngamlamom


This academic article aims to analyze “the human resource management of public sector
in the disruption era”. The analysis results revealed that Government organizations must face with
the flow of changes in both opportunities and risks of development. To prepare properly for
a change, it is necessary to have a self-adapting. Human resource management will help
the organization to be successful in operating effectively using the three effective procedures that
are: (1) awareness of trends and directions of change affecting a capability of human resource
development, (2) an adaptation of the management and human resource development, and
(3) studying an efficiency administration and development of human resources in performing work

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How to Cite
Ngamlamom, W. (2022). The Human Resource Management of Public Sector in the Disruption Era. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(1), 176–197. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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