Strategic Development of The Revenue Department Following The 20-Year National Strategy

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Nipaporn Suwanthada
Chanissara Kaewsawa


This research aims to study the revenue department’s development strategy that relevance
to 20-year national strategy. In this study, the authors use mixed research methodologies, including
qualitative analysis with Delphi technique and quantitative analysis with a questionnaire, to analyze
the data and to confirm results. According to the results, the researcher found the relevance
between the revenue department’s development strategy and 20-year national strategy in six
strategies. The first strategy is a strategy for National Security, including the improvement of
taxation, expanding the tax base, voluntary strengthening, tax collection according to estimates, and
collecting taxes consistent with reality. Secondly, the National Strategy for National Competitiveness
Enhancement, including the formation or amendment of a double taxation convention, policy
formulation of benefits, and taxation policy. Thirdly, the Strategy for Human Capital Development
and Strengthening, including tax education for all ages, encouraging personnel to achieve continuous
learning, developing personnel potential to have professional skills and to be a good person with
quality, cultivate a good person with virtue as well as providing opportunities for personnel to
exchange knowledge. The fourth strategy is the Strategy for Social Cohesion and Just Society,
which encourages entrepreneurs to upgrade their business management skills and apply technology
to create fairness. The fifth strategy is the Strategy for Eco-Friendly Development and Growth,
including a campaign for taxpayers to file 100% electronically for all types of taxes, promoting energy
saving within the organization, issuing policies, tax measures, and collecting taxes environment.
Finally, the last strategy is The Strategy for Public Sector Rebalancing and Development, including
management with good governance, developing services into digital formats, reducing process
duplication, modernization of laws, regulations, and guidelines, promoting corporate culture in
creating innovation, integration between government and private sectors, organizational restructuring
to suit the mission, proactive public relations agency, and building ownership and engagement of personnel to the organization.

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How to Cite
Suwanthada, N. ., & Kaewsawa, C. . (2022). Strategic Development of The Revenue Department Following The 20-Year National Strategy. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(1), 88–106. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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