Using Nudges to Encourage the Use of Bio-plastic Bags through Behavioral Economics with Households in Bangkok

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Adul Supanut
Peera Tangtammaruk
Thanakhom Srisaringkarn
Nartsupon Dumchuen


This study aims to investigate how to encourage households to use bioplastic bags. Nudge
theory is applied in the form of (1) nudge using the default option to promote the use of bioplastic
bags and (2) nudge by providing positive information about the benefits of bioplastic bags or by providing
damaging information about the adverse environmental impacts of single-use plastic bags. This paper
also uses Randomized Control Trials (RCT) in Experimental Economics with 180 households in Bangkok.
The study’s key findings lead to three conclusions: (1) Nudge using the default option can increase
the opportunity of a sample to choose bioplastic bags by 19.34%. (2) Nudge with positive or negative
information can increase the opportunity of the sample to choose bioplastic bags by 39.97% and 30.41%,
respectively. (3) The consistently high price of bioplastic bags is another reason consumers are not
interested in switching to bioplastic bags. The following policy recommendations are thus proposed:
(1) In the case of department stores implementing a policy of refraining from handing out single-use plastic
bags, they may instead opt to offer bioplastic bags as a default option for consumers. (2) Department
stores can provide pictures or informational materials presenting the benefits of bioplastic bags or
the environmental impacts of single-use plastic bags to consumers directly to encourage them to choose
bioplastic bags. (3) A policy providing subsidies to reduce the cost of bioplastic bags can help motivate
consumers to use bioplastic bags.

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How to Cite
Supanut, A., Tangtammaruk, P., Srisaringkarn, T., & Dumchuen, N. (2022). Using Nudges to Encourage the Use of Bio-plastic Bags through Behavioral Economics with Households in Bangkok. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(1), 20–35. retrieved from
Research Articles


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