The Relationship between Characteristics of Information Perceived from Mobile Food Application and Decision to Purchase: The Moderating Effect of the Need Cognition -

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Prerapha Taweesuk


This research aims to study the predictive power of characteristics of information on central routes (recommendation and statistics of video/photos viewers) and peripheral routes (Like countand Ease of pay) on decisions to purchase food via mobile food applications with a variable onthe need for cognition (Affective and Cognitive) as the moderating effect. The samples were 405 persons who purchased food via mobile food application in Bangkok. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Utilizing Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis revealed that the central route and peripheral routes had a positive relationship with the decision to purchase food via mobile food application. Moreover, it was also found that the variable on need for cognition with Affective as the moderating effect had a negative relationship with peripheral route and the decision to purchase. The research is useful for academicians and entrepreneurs who sell food in mobile food application. The results obtained from this research were able to be used for developing the guidelines for determining marketing communication strategies via social networks as well as media formats for presenting appropriate messages that were consistent with the target purchasers in order to publicize news and information affecting the decision to purchase food via mobile food applications more efficiently.

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How to Cite
Taweesuk, P. (2022). The Relationship between Characteristics of Information Perceived from Mobile Food Application and Decision to Purchase: The Moderating Effect of the Need Cognition: -. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(3), 104–124. Retrieved from
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