Influence of Crew Resource Management and Safety Culture toward Stress Management of Cabin Crew of Scheduled Airlines

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Dinh Supasamut
Ranee Esichaikul
Rochaporn Chansawang


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the opinions of crew resource management (CRM), safety culture and stress management among cabin crews in scheduled airlines during COVID-19 situation, 2) to study the influence of crew resource management on stress management among cabin crews in the scheduled airlines during COVID-19, and 3) to study the influence of safety culture on stress management among cabin crews in scheduled airlines during the COVID-19 situation and 4) to study the influence of crew resource management on stress management among cabin crews in scheduled airlines with safety culture as a mediator. The population of this survey were crew members from five operating scheduled airlines, and 336 completed questionnaires were obtained. The results showed 1) the level of opinion towards CRM and safety culture was at the highest level. The overall stress management was at a high level, 2) The CRM influenced stress management, 3) The safety culture influenced stress management at the statistically significant level of 0.01, and 4) CRM influenced stress management with safety culture as a mediating variable at the statistically significant level of 0.01. Both variables predicted the stress management of crew members in scheduled airlines during the COVID-19 pandemic to 24.40%.   

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How to Cite
Supasamut, D., Esichaikul , R. ., & Chansawang, R. . (2023). Influence of Crew Resource Management and Safety Culture toward Stress Management of Cabin Crew of Scheduled Airlines. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 43(1), 149–164. retrieved from
Research Articles


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