The Influence of Content Digital Marketing Communication on Customer Decision to Purchase Phrae Province OTOP Products.

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Paumsak Pantang
Tanakij Thamee


The purpose of this research was to study consumer behavior from digital marketing communication channels in making the decision to buy OTOP products in Phrae Province and to predict the influence of content for digital marketing communication to purchase decisions on OTOP’s Phrae Province. This research is quantitative research. The samples are collected from person who used to buy OTOP products and products online. An online questionnaire was determined with 420 answers. The data were analyzed using various statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and linear multiple regression. The study found that most consumer prefers to use Facebook every day. Consumers have average online purchases 1-2 times a month with an expense of more than 300 Baht per time. The characteristics of forms and contents influence the customer decision to purchase OTOP’s Phrae Province 53.9% (R2 = 0.539). It consists of the following factors and contents as it should be presented in the form of product movement or VDO clip. The content of the communication must be concise, clear, and easy to understand. Text messages were used on video media to highlight the content's importance. The guidelines and recommendations about the product. Storytelling of product background, or product development. The entrepreneurs of OTOP’s Phrae Province should apply it to make content more accessible to consumers

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How to Cite
Pantang, P., & Thamee, T. (2023). The Influence of Content Digital Marketing Communication on Customer Decision to Purchase Phrae Province OTOP Products. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 43(3), 108–125. Retrieved from
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