The Internal Quality Assurance Implementation Guideline in the Institute of Community Colleges in Compliance with Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx)

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Siam Khasuwan
Vachiraporn Surathanaskul


This qualitative research aimed to analyze the best practices of higher education institutions where education criteria for performance excellence (EdPEx) was implemented in order to determine the internal quality assurance implementation guideline. A total of 9 informants, chosen by means of purposive sampling technique, consisted of a group of administrators, instructors, and personnel of higher education institutions where EdPEx was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted for data collection and those data were analyzed using content analysis.

According to research findings, 1) the best practices of higher education institutions that applied EdPEx were as follows: Year 1 - most development level was at the beginning. Year 2 and beyond - the development level began to have a systematic guideline after suggestions and ‘opportunity for improvement’ (OFI) were translated into process betterment in pursuance to the mission. Strategic and action plans for the following years were formulated to acquire outcomes that were corresponding and important to the institution’s mission and vision achievement. And 2) with regard to the internal quality assurance implementation guideline for EdPEx implementation, it was found that the committee and working group were established along with the preparation of self-assessment report and monitoring of performance progress on the basis of “principles, subjects, and practices” and of the personnel’s common belief that “plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle is the quality working technique.” All these were determinedly and regularly adhered and followed by all individuals and agencies at the institutional, faculty/collegial, and curriculum or instructor levels resulting in the onset of quality culture of the Institute of Community Colleges.

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Khasuwan, S. ., & Surathanaskul , V. . (2024). The Internal Quality Assurance Implementation Guideline in the Institute of Community Colleges in Compliance with Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx). University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(1), 155–178. retrieved from
Research Articles


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