The Influence of Social Media Reviews for Brand Reputation, Association, and Purchasing Decisions: The Case of Online Grocery Stores in Thailand

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Somcanae Yodpram


Recently, the impact of COVID-19 has changed consumer behavior, perception and attitude toward online shopping globally, including online grocery stores sector. While many studies have indicated that many customers consider consumer reviews to be trustworthy because they are based on real experiences by real people, therefore, social media review is the important key to predict customers’ purchasing behavior. The objective of this study has been examined and explained as to how antecedents influence consumers’ purchase decisions regarding online grocery shopping. Data for the analysis were gathered from 288 respondents who had online shopping experience through an online platform in Thailand. The hypotheses framework was analyzed by structural equation modeling technique for investigate the casual relationship between social media reviews, brand reputation, association, and purchasing decisions. The research findings reveal that social media reviews have positive impacts directly to brand reputation and brand association.  Results confirmed the effects of both direct and indirect relationships between exogenous and endogenous variables hypothesized in the structural models. The results of this study might contribute and offer several managerial implications to online store owners and online shopping platform developers.

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How to Cite
Yodpram, S. (2024). The Influence of Social Media Reviews for Brand Reputation, Association, and Purchasing Decisions: The Case of Online Grocery Stores in Thailand. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(3), 122–147. Retrieved from
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