Application of Financial Ratios to Predict Financial Restatement Enforcement: Financial Statement Fraud Signal

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Jirarat Pipatnarapong
Siripan Kuenkaikaew


The objectives of this research are to investigate the relationship between financial ratios and financial statement fraud and apply such results to further develop a forecasting model to detect financial restatements enforcement. Using a sample group of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand between 2011 and 2020, the results show that liquidity and asset turnover ratio are positively related to financial statement fraud. Contrarily, fixed asset turnover ratio is negatively related to financial statement fraud. Such relationships are used as a model to evaluate the effectiveness in predicting companies that are enforced to restate their financial statements. The results indicate that, based on a model built on 3 statistically significant ratios, the liquidity ratio model is the best at predicting companies that are forced to restate their financial statements. The model can predict 35.29% (75th percentile criteria). Next is the asset turnover ratio model, which can predict at 29.41% (75th percentile criteria). Finally, using the fixed asset turnover ratio, the model can detect 25.53% (25th percentile criteria).

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How to Cite
Pipatnarapong, J., & Kuenkaikaew, S. (2024). Application of Financial Ratios to Predict Financial Restatement Enforcement: Financial Statement Fraud Signal. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(3), 92–121. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Jirarat Pipatnarapong, School of Accountancy, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

First author


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