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PhramahaEkkawin Piyaweero (Asim)
Prapalad suriya Arpakho (Ruttaayat)
Songkram Chantakiri


For peaceful coexistence of the human society, good management of its own system is required. Also, there should be rules, regulations or ways of the regime that meet the needs of the people or citizens of that society based on equality. At the very least, the society must have rules that are fair enough for the people or citizens to have equal access to the resources of the society as much as possible.

When politics is a matter of power and interests, governments who have the power to run a nation often have policies for their voice-based groups of the elite and middle class. This causes social inequality in almost every dimension such as in education, justice system, especially the economic inequality in Thailand which has soared to become the number 1 in the world in 2020. It is known as Ruay Krajook - Jon Krajai in Thai (Extreme inequality – most people are living in extreme poverty while huge rewards go to those at the very top). The inequality in social dimensions has led to protests of the political symbolism of youth, students and the general public. People who have been affected by the distorted covenant system of the society have shown a three-fingered expression to communicate the public and society on the rights, freedoms, brotherhood and social equality of the people. The white bow tie of students presents the political demands for the mentioned issue as well.

All expressions for behavioral aspects, bodily and verbal action based on truthful mental action as the norm of humankind have a purpose or intention to let others know and understand what they want or demand. Without the expressions mentioned above, no one will know their needs or troubles or their objections will not be resolved or not be responded to. Therefore, the present-day political symbolism of the youth, students and the general public is a constitutional expression in democracy calling on the government to resolve the problems of the society they are facing.

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