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Nareerad Bunrawd
Teeraphong Somkhaoyai
Phamahasompong Thanissaro
Maliwan Yotarak


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the condition of teaching supervision of Banwangpla School teachers 2. to study the model of teaching supervision in accordance with the 4 Sangkhahavatthus of teachers in Banwangpla School and and 3 to propose the model of teaching supervision in accordance with the 4 Sangkhahavatthus of teachers in Banwangpla School under Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. This was qualitative research which collected the data from in-depth interviews. The step of condition study consisted of 10 informants which were a school director, 2 internal supervision committees and 7 teachers who were the learning group leaders. The step of designing the model consisted of 3 people which were a school director, a supervisor and a buddhist scholar. The step of focus group discussion consisted of 7 experts which were a school director, a supervisor, an academician, an internal supervision committee, a committee of the Basic Education Commission and a teacher.

The research showed that:

1. Current conditions of teaching supervision of the teachers at Ban Wang Pla school: the school has run the teaching observation by setting the meeting to create the teachers’ understanding and to clearly set the committees who were responsible for teaching observation. The observation calendar and evaluation form were provided. The teaching observation has been friendly done, one class per one semester. The school encouraged the teachers to have a role as a leader and a follower, and work as a team. The teachers have exchanged some teaching-learning problems, and problems of students’ behavior to plan and solve them together by using PLC (Professional Learning Community). This helped the students have the positive learning attitudes and give the students to continually have higher quality achievement.

2. The teaching supervision in accordance with the 4 Sangkhahavatthus of the teachers in Banwangpla School under Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were as follows: 1) name of a model 2) principles and reason 3) objectives 4) five areas of operational guidelines according to Glickman's supervision which are (a) providing direct assistance to teachers (b) developing group work skills (c) enhancing professional experiences (d) developing curriculum. (E) practicing a classroom action research and 5) monitoring and evaluating.

3. Presentation of the teaching supervision model according to 4 Sangahavatthus of Banwangpla School teachers: it was found that the process and method of teaching supervision were aligned with the objectives of the model created by the researcher through the approval from the experts who agreed that the model was qualified, appropriate, be able to use, useful and practical.

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