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Ngamjid Kawka


The general objective of this research was to assess the development project results of the quality assurance system within an educational institution. The specific objectives were to find 1) the development results of the educational institution under the development project of the quality assessment system within the educational institution, 2) the satisfaction of teachers, school committees in Basic Educational Institutions, and parents affecting the development project operation of the quality assessment system within the educational institution, and 3) the results of quality development for students in early-childhood education under the development project of the quality assessment system within the educational institution.  The population consisted of 18 teachers, 9 school committees in Basic Educational Institutions Committee, and 225 parents, totaling 252 people.

The researched showed that:

1. The development results of the educational institution that has been developed under the concept of the development project of the quality assurance system within an educational institution; in the list of standards and indicators, the average level of development between 3.89-4.56 was 77.78-91.11 percent of development, 84.45 percent on average. Therefore, the educational institution has been developed under the concept of the development project of the quality assurance system within an educational institution. Overall, it could operate successfully by the specified period with a higher percentage of more than 80 percent. It could summarize that this project has accomplished following the project’s objectives.

2. The satisfaction of the teachers, school committees in Basic Educational Institutions, and parents on the development project of the quality assessment system within the educational institution in overall level, each aspect, and each item; the average of satisfaction level was between 4.47-4.65, 89.44-92.94 percent on average of satisfaction, and 91.19 percent on average. Therefore, the teachers, school committees in Basic Educational Institutions, and parents had overall satisfaction on the development project of the quality assessment system within the educational institution not less than 80%. It could summarize that this project has accomplished following the project’s objectives.

3. The results of quality development for students in early-childhood education under the development project of the quality assessment system within the education institution in overall level, each indicator, and each item; there was an average of development level between 4.33-4.55, 86.60-91.00 percent of development, and 88.80 percent on average. Therefore, the students in early-childhood education have been developed under the concept of the development project of the quality assurance system within an educational institution. Overall, it could operate successfully under the specified period with a higher percentage of more than 80 percent. It could summarize that this project has accomplished following the project’s objectives.

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