Facebook and Twitter Usage in Forming the Bad Student Group to Demand Education Reform in 2020


  • Chainon Hankeereerat Master’s degree student in the Media and Communication Innovation, College of Social Communication Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Sasithon Yuwakosol Assistant Professor in the Media and Communication Innovation, College of Social Communication Innovation. Srinakharinwirot University


online public spaces, new social movements, Facebook, Twitter, Bad student


           The objective of this article is to study how the “Bad Student Group” communicates in online public spaces of Facebook and Twitter; and to study new social movements of the “Bad Student Group”. The data was collected using in-depth interviews with 11samples; Bad Student Group founders, students who follow Bad Student Group on social media, students who do not follow Bad Student Group on social media, political specialist, education specialist, communication specialists and secondary school directors. And using textual analysis focus on messages posted on Facebook and Twitter about education reform in Thailand from 6 June to 31 December 2020. There were the social movements on social media on this selected period.

            The results revealed as follows. (1) Facebook and Twitter of the “Bad Student Group” is the online public space according to Habermas’s concept. However, the “Bad Student Group” communicates in their public space with different levels in each feature. (2) the “Bad Student Group” uses Facebook and Twitter as the online public spaces to create new social movements about education reform in Thailand. However, there are differences in the level of their movements; sometimes happened in the online space and sometimes in physical space.


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How to Cite

Hankeereerat, C. ., & Yuwakosol, S. (2022). Facebook and Twitter Usage in Forming the Bad Student Group to Demand Education Reform in 2020. วารสารศาสตร์, 15(2), 101. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jcmag/article/view/256008