Effects of blended learning by using learning management system and educational applications for online learning on self-directed learning skills and academic achievement of 4th year cadets in Military Psychology and Administration (PC 4103)


  • Pavaris Chailapo Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy
  • Sornnarin Kanjananopinit Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy


Blended learning, Self-directed learning skills, Cadets


This research aims at comparing pre and post self-directed learning skills and academic achievement of cadets after trained by learning integration. The learning integration is learning management system and educational applications for online learning. The 180 participants from 4th year cadets in Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy during the academic year 2021 were chosen by purposive sampling. Instruments for doing research were learning management system and educational applications for online learning, a self-directed learning skills scale, and a test in Military Psychology and Administration (PC 4103). Data were analyzed by using descriptive Statistics and t-test Dependent. After the implementation, the result shows that the learning integration help to improve self-directed learning skills. Firstly, cadets gain higher self-directed learning skills about .05 level significance. Secondly, cadets gain higher academic achievement about .05 level significance.


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