Training Process for Leadership Development: Local Leadership Training in Curriculum Nakhon Sri Thammarat Province

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Phra Witthaya Yanavetee
Phrabaidika Katavoot kavasakatammo


The study entitled “A Training Process for the Development of Leadership : A Program for Training Local and Regional Leaders of Nakhon Sri Dhammarat” aims 1) to study the satisfaction of the participants in the Program for Training Local and Regional Leaders of Nakhon Sri Dhammarat according to their opinion; 2) to compare the opinion of the participants in the Program for Training Local and Regional Leaders of Nakhon Sri Dhammarat; and The study is a mixed method research conducting a qualitative research using an in-depth interview collecting data from key informants to support a quantitative research collecting data by a questionnaire and a participatory observation in the training process.

The result found that the satisfaction upon a Program of Local and Regional Leaders in Nakhon Sri Thammarat in general was high and results of the Program based on Six virtues for fraternal living revealed as below. 1. In the respect of keeping without blemish the rules of conduct along with one’s fellows, participants knew and understood the participatory work process. 2. In the respect of being amiable in thought, participants had an opportunity in the Dhamma practice, keeping precepts, meditation conduct and community assistance through the activities of Buddhist prayers chanting, Dhamma listening, walking mediation practice and meditation retreat as the best example for their village followers. 3. In the respect of being endowed with right views along with one’s fellows, participants, after training in the activity of Virtues for Fraternal Living and Thai Society, had a wisdom in the effectively local administration. 4. In the respect of being amiable in words, participants understood themselves and other more, had a new knowledge, listening and communicating skills. 5. In the respect of being amiable in deed, the Program constructed the way of work for a leader of honesty. 6.In the respect of sharing any lawful gains with virtuous fellows, participants acquired virtues and morality, and followed the sufficiency economy.

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