Forest Lodging: The Management in accordance with Buddhism

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Phrakhru Jariyathammanurak


This article entitled to study Forest Lodging in Buddhism and to analyze the Management in accordance with Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that the Forest Lodging is important for monks as one of the four factors. Before a Buddhist monk resides in the forest, the temple monks and village rulers must be informed to witness their stay in the forest. Monks should be in the forest to achieve peace and time to practice meditation. It is not for wanting people to believe or to build a reputation as a strict practitioner. Being in the forest provides peace (Vivek) in three areas: 1) Kãya-Viveka: bodily seclusion i.e. solitude, 2) Citta-Viveka: mental seclusion, and 3) Upadhi-Viveka: seclusion from the essentials of existence. These three dimensions of Viveka enable monks to develop themselves based on the threefold learning; morality, concentration, and wisdom. For Forest Lodging is usually built in 3 places: (1) a forest next to a village (2) a forest near the village or (3) a mountain, but these places must be located not far from the community. To prevent the villagers from disturbing and to allow the monks to walk in to receive food alms in the village.

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Academic Articles


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