Model of Buddhist Agriculture for Moral and Ethical Encouragement: A Case Study of Suan Hug Na Paeng at Pamokkha Dhammaram Meditation Center in Sa Kaeo Province

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Phramaha Prasit Ñānฺappadipo


This article aims to study model of Buddhist agriculture for moral and ethical encouragement: a case study of Suan Hug Na Paeng at Pamokkha Dhammaram Meditation Center in Sa Kaeo Province. The studies used were documentary study, related research, interview and field study. Results indicated that Buddhism has shown the concept of agriculture for living quality with self-sufficient, having morality, maintain their faith, share a spiritual kind, and support others. This article studied at Suan Hug Na Paeng Pamokkha Dhammaram Meditation Center in Sa Kaeo Province. This is a temple in Buddhism that being learning and moral development of people and the youth in Buddhist agriculture and used to be a tool to learn the Dhamma through farming. The product from the activities has brought to support communities and schools are scarce including establishing a process to promote ethics through activities in the field of agricultural Buddhist participant.

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Academic Articles


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