The Buddhist Interpretation and the Construction of Public Facilities in Buddhism: A Case Study of Ariyamak Dharma Practice Hall, Weluwan Park, Phutthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Direk Duangloy
Mallika Phumathon
Phrapalad Raphin Buddhisaro


The purpose of this article is to study the interpretation of Buddhism and the Buddhist constructions. The method of study was document study from research papers and observation from buildings in Buddhism. The results of the study showed that construction of buildings in Phutthamonthon area is a construction due to the ideals and ideas of Buddhism. It is a construction that related to Buddhism age of 2500 years. When specifically to the Weluwan Park which is the location of Sala Ariymakkha Hall, it is a creation that combines with the concepts and principles of Buddhism. The building construction of 8 pavilions, and each of which has six corners with beams as laths made of wood, 3 holes, 12 spokes, there are three partition lobes for two holes in relation to the doctrine of Noble Eightfold Path, Disà 6, the Threefold training or Triple Gem, etc. Buddhist principles are harmonized and integrated between Buddhist buildings and doctrines.

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