Moral Teaching in Primary School based on the Threefold Training

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Phra Chaiprasit Phattathammo


This article aims to propose state of moral teaching in school of moral teaching monks and to propose threefold training principle applying in current learning. Threefold training is consisted of precept, mediation and wisdom that are a holistic development. This is the factors that lead to learning development and increase skills in the 21st century in order to develop student’s learning appropriately and to group up with morality and ethics. Therefore, appropriate Buddhist teaching for current learners should be in-depth learning from practice. Learners can practice based on their interesting from teachers’ designing. It can lead the learners to understanding, having skills, competency, morality, and ethics for the responsibility for surrounding environment and society. Then, they will be able to apply in daily life with happiness and lead to peace society.

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