An Experience of Curriculum Development with School of Youth Improvement: Area Studies of Keng Tung in Union of Myanmar

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Lampong Klomkul


The purpose of this article was to study the guideline for curriculum development of English language schools in Keng Tung city. The methods of studying were document study, related research, in-depth interview and field study. Results indicated that facts of the SYI school establishment with the goal of developing English language for students while the school does not have clearly curriculum in accordance with the curriculum development guidelines. Therefore, discussions between school administrators, instructors and educational expert from ASEAN Studies Centre, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University was set in order to conduct the curriculum development following the goal of the human resource development of Wat Yang Boo which is the location of the SYI School. Students are trained to be a person with quality with language, religion, traditions, culture, and ways of life that co-ordinate with the management of English language courses. The approach of curriculum development has set and followed with the criteria based on the PDCA framework that has been started in a systematic planning, have implemented the plan, have an assessment, and lead to improvements continually from the developing results according to the framework of the curriculum development.

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