An application Right speech for communication of the leaders

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Phramahapreecha saseng


This article has an objective to study an application right speech and strategic communication of the leader. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that an application of principles of communication psychology strategic communication and the principle of right speech for the leader who communicates with people who can be conducive to do policy or present a vision which creates clearly an image or goal. Therefore, it has been the main principle of management both to small organizations to the national level. By the principle of right speech, it is said or communicated with the right words which is correct, complete, and communicates with knowledge. understanding and compassion. Therefore, both principles of practice have created benefits for oneself and the public. At the same time, it also was the precepts which protect the leader from ethical mistakes because leadership's communication directly affects the most people, also effective communication of leaders will bring benefits, happiness, confidence and make it stable in the status or position of the leader by itself.

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Academic Articles


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