Bun Khao Sak and Identity Construction of Theravada Buddhism

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พระครูโกวิทสุตาภรณ์ โกวิโท


This article entitled to study and to analyze Bun Khao Sak and Identity Construction of Theravada Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that Bun Khao Sak is a tradition in the Northeast with offering food or wares to monks by a lottery mode. By the way, it’s about a merit-making dedication to the spirits of the ancestors according to the beliefs of making merit and dedication in Buddhism according to the Buddhist principles of gratitude and mutual assistance. In Bun Khao Sak, it has created a Buddhist identity through symbolic characteristics that to make merit about life after death. This is a ritual that will help build morale in life and not despair over loss. In the identity of the belief, it comes from the merit of Bun Khao Sak associated with those who have the prestige comes from being born first who would be worshiped. When we worshiped them, we can be protected from all bad things. In addition, the identity of the narrative comes from the mention of karma that should encourage good rather than bad. Finally, that story should encourage auspiciousness in life, especially the developed mind.

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Academic Articles


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