The competency of the government sector in supporting the elderly: Case study of the elderly in Than To District, Yala Province

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Wichet Sriprom


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study problems in the elderly's lifestyle, 2) to study the needs of the elderly for government support, and 3) to study the problems of the government's competency in supporting the elderly. Use a qualitative research process. Collects data from key informants. Present the results of the study in a descriptive explanation.

          The results of the study according to the first objective found that the problems in life of the elderly were divided into 2 aspects: 1) Physical problems, include health problems, problems in daily life, and problems in life and property safety 2. Mental problems, include future worries, fears or concerns about the safety of life and property, and family problems.

          The results of the study according to The second objective found that the needs of the elderly for government support were of two aspects: 1) personal factors, include needs for income, health, and knowledge and skills in occupation 2) Social needs include the need for the government to support the integration and networking, Infrastructure development in community, and creating peace within the community.

          The results of the study according to The Third objective found that problems in the government's competency in supporting the elderly, include 1) inadequacy, thoroughness and fairness in support 2) Untruthfulness from the government in supporting 3) structural and rules problems in support 4) discontinuity of support 5) problems in understanding of sensitivity and real community needs

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