Māra Appearing in the Brahmanimantanika – Sutta

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Phra Komsan Wongsarikit
Phramaha Surasak Prajantasen


This article aims to study and analyze Māra appearing in the Brahmanimantanika-Sutta. It was found that Māra or the Evil One is to keep one under his power by allowing one to maintain his deluded view. The powerful Māra having taken possession and to make Pārisajja Brahmā to maintain his power are Kilesa-māra: the Māra of defilements and Abhisakhāra-māra: the Māra of Karma-formations. Because Pārisajja Brahmā who holds Bhava-diṭṭhi, the view that this world is eternal, where is the inhabit of human beings who have laten tendencies as defilements that all beings who living the Plane of Form have not overcome until become the ignorance (Avijjā) and the Fetter (Sayojana) which is the desire of living beings in the world. It is called Apuññābhisakhāra: the formation of demerit, it is Māra from defilements because it follows the creatures who are clinging. The Mara cannot cover the Lord Buddha because He has got rid of and cut off at the root defilements and liberated from all evils, He has also dominated the evils, including liberation from all things that belong to the divine and the human which is fetter.

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