Instructional Leadership of School Administrator Affecting Learning Organization in School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9

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Krongkarn Aroonmak


This Article aimed to study 1) the Instructional Leadership of School Administrator under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9 2) the Learning Organization in School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9 and 3) the Instructional Leadership of School Administrator affecting the Learning Organization in School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9. The research instrument was an opinionnaire about the Instructional Leadership based on the concept of (Blase, J. and Blase J.), and the Learning Organization based on the concept of (Peter M. Senge). The statistical used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The research results were found as follows; 1) The Instructional Leadership of School Administrator under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9, as a whole and as individual, were at a high level. When ranking by arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest; talking with teacher’s to promote, and promoting professional growth. 2) The Learning Organization in School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9, as a whole and as individual, were at a high level. When ranking by arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest; team learning, personal mastery, shared vision, systems thinking, and mental models. 3) The Instructional Leadership of School Administrator affecting the Learning Organization  in School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 9,  as a whole, were talking with teacher’s to promote (x1) and promoting professional growth (x2), was found statistically significant at .01 and a multiple linear regression equation as follows: (Ytot) = 0.138+1.265 (X1) + 0.297 (X2)

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