An Analysis of Taking the Threefold Refuge in the Tripitaka

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Phramaha Chainarong Abhinando
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno


This article is intended to be an analytical study of the trinity in the Tripitaka. This is qualitative research done by studying academic documents.  It was found that There are many people who can attain the Tri-Sarah Ghana and attain the Dharma. Buddhist doctrine has a method of teaching dharma principles that are accessible to people of all classes and levels of education. Therefore, it can be seen that person to be able to access the Dharma The first proclamation must make an oath by voicing a java to remember the three words of wisdom first.

             Speaking in remembrance of the Three Sacred Words is an important element for Buddhists. It is an oath in front of another person. It is an expression of faith in the Triple Gem. When the Buddha's time to respect Buddhism The first is to be able to utter the words of a request for the tribunal first. Therefore, it is regarded as a person who has access to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as a lifelong relic.

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Academic Articles


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