The Condition of Learning Organization of Muang Lek Kawnar Education Network Center under the Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Phramaha Phumrapee Khamchuai
Arisra Boonrat
Thanakit Ratchatasirakul


This Article aimed to study 1) The Learning Organization of Muang Lek Kawnar Education Network Center under the Songkhla Primary Area 1. 2)Compare the Learning Organization of Educational Institutions Classified by Position and Work Experience of The Basic Education Institutions Committee and Teachers. The Instrument used was a 5-Level Estimation Scale Questionnaire with an Alpha Coefficient of .980. The Statistics used Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test. The sample were 132 People. Determine The Sample Size by Comparing Krejcie & Morgan tables. Easy Randomly Drawn by a No-Return Lottery Method. The research results were found as follows;
1.The Learning Organization overall and Individual Aspects are at a High Level sorted by average was Learning Dynamics. Empowering and Empowering Personnel Organization Change Knowledge Management and the use of Modern Technology, respectively.
2. Board of Basic Education and Teachers with different educational backgrounds. There was no difference in opinion on the learning organization in general and in every aspect.
3. Board of Basic Education and Teachers with different working experience Overall, the opinions on the learning organization were significantly different at the .05 level.

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