A Critical Study in the Role of Woman in Supporting Buddhist Virtue and Morality as Appeared in E-San Folklores

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The Buddhism has paid attention to women in all dimensions, whether it is the role of motherhood, wife or role in Buddhism. But The role of women in the E-San folklores are 12 stories which we pick up to study It will be found that the E-San folklores focuses on the women in every dimension, the role of daughter hood, motherhood, wives or the role of the choice of partner or teaching. In addition, the role of women in the E-San folklores has also influenced the promotion of morality according to Buddhism in many aspects: (1) merit (merit 3) (2) honesty (3) diligence (4) the understanding of life (5) the gratitude of the stage (6) the mercy (7) The Law of Karma. Which Each role can be a reflection or a model for women in the E-San to be able to behave.

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